A little harsh, Umair but apart from the polio point, quite accurate. Yes, we're on the downward slope, yes, we did it to ourselves with Brexit, yes, our media is a cesspit thanks to Murdoch and his mates, yes, a lot of people are very annoyed and bitter at the massive price increases of everything especially energy. The grumbling is loud and being ignored. The Tories are fixated on the 160-180,000 members of their party who can vote on the new PM. A lot of the party members are saying "None of the above."
If we do get inflation at 13% and power cuts, you might see a new manifestation of electorate dissatisfaction which we haven't had for a while. This is something that we used to be quite good at but we haven't had an outing with it for 11 years, or 32 years if politics is essential.
I mean riots (2011 and 1990). We're not at the right point yet and ideally we won't get there. But watch out if the grumbling stops.
Then all bets are off.