Actually Umair, it's comparatively rare for an honest day's work at a middle to low ranking job to produce all those things - and always has been. Perhaps only the period from the end of WWII to 2007 counts as a time when the ordinary worker was prosperous - and it's no coincidence that Communism in Russia and China was there to provide a competing economic story to capitalism.
Before that time, ordinary people just had much lower expenses. It was possible to live within your means if your demands were very low.
For instance: healthcare before health insurance wasn't expensive unless you got sick. If you were poor you couldn't afford a doctor and usually (though not always) died. Childcare was provided by women or other children for free. Retirement was almost non-existent because most people didn't live long enough - the retirement age was chosen precisely because that was the age around which most people died. Elderly care - see retirement.
Education was an expense and those who could afford it, normally did much better so the investment paid off. Those who couldn't afford it did manual labour which still existed.
Vacations and investment in yourself - day trips to Bangor were a magical novelty and that was once a year. Add no need to buy expensive electronic devices and no constant pressure on social media to be always buying stuff, and there wasn't a lot to spend your money on if you were working class, apart from booze. Which of course people did.
In fact take out the expenses of insurance robbery for health, car, house etc, and most people could probably make it today.