Brilliant article. Yes, I live this. I always describe myself as a writer: I write historical fiction, occasional children's fiction, occasional SF, romance - you name it, I write it. For the last year I've been writing 4-5 articles per week on various subjects.
No, I don't earn very much. I survive on other sources of income, mainly by not spending much money. I'm getting in practise for the collapse, I think.
Writing makes me happy - so long as I'm writing, I'm happy. Obviously it would be lovely to have a bestseller (or many) but deep down, I don't really care.
The one thing I'm scared of is dying with any books unwritten. Crazy, seeing how few people read them, but there you go.
If you like 16th century adventure look for my books under "Patricia Finney writing as P F Chisholm." Otherwise go for Patricia Finney. Happy searching.