Member-only story
Dear Prime Minister
171. 15 February 2022
You’re not having any fun, are you?
Once a week, in the Commons, you can have fun
Making duff jokes, slinging scurrilous insults
At that dull man whatsisname on the other side.
The rest of the time you’re in that poky flat
With the expensive and migraine-inducing wallpaper,
Where the red boxes pile up everywhere –
I mean, what are they for anyway?
Surely, nobody expects you to read them?
They’re excruciatingly dull. Whatsisname
Would probably enjoy them, but not you.
It’s fun touring the country, putting on hi-viz.
A bit. Driving forklifts while people smile
Nervously at you, wondering if you’ll crash.
Parties?! Not one of those bloody parties
Was a proper party. Prosecco and tinsel?
If you’d intended to have a party
It would have been a proper one –
A full Piers Gaveston ball with shagging.
And anyway, you’ve done nothing