Eudaemonic? Sorry, Umair, I'd love to go with your rather beautiful Greek word but you and I both know that it doesn't have a chance with the Christians who will all get hysterical about a word for a philosophy that includes the word "daemon." And we need to get all the monotheisms onside, as well as the larger group of agnostics because nothing spreads a megameme like a monotheism.
Personally I like "lifeism" or even better "ecoism."
So Ecoism is the philosophy that holds that all life is valuable. Every bug is valuable, even bacteria are valuable.
Ecoism also has to hold that all death is valuable too. When a wild creature dies, its body becomes food in one way or another, either directly as when a vulture eats a corpse or indirectly when bacteria and insects break up the body to its constituent parts. Animals mourn just like us, but they don't try and fight death, eventually they accept it.
Humans however can't cope with their death which is why we're so greedy and grasping while we're alive. It's why we like plastic - doesn't rot. It's why we use pesticides - other animals and plants don't matter, only humans matter. It's why we erode mountains to build monuments.
No. In the great domain of the Lady Earth, humans are just ecoengineers who used to use fire to thin out the forests and have got completely out of control.
Ecoism is actually a philosophy that can build a new way of relating to our Planetary Organism, it's already out there and it's growing, especially among the young. There are plenty of books already about it, using different names for it.
Ecoism takes the Greek word for house 'oikos' and extends it to the entire planet; we are all part of the house of the planet.
I like it.