Member-only story
Fourth of July
33. 4th July 2021
Shall we have a barbecue
And a massive party
And fireworks
And booze?
No, it’s raining.
We could put up a tent
And use gasoline on the barbie
And drink too much
And have fireworks?
No, it’s raining.
We could do hot dogs in the oven
(not real dogs, sausages, ok?)
And drink too much
And have fireworks?
Please, pretty please?
No, it’s raining.
OK, no fireworks.
No barbie, no dogs
(hot or hairy),
But booze. We can have booze?
Yes. It’s raining.
PS. This needs explanation. I’m English so I don’t generally do the Fourth of July but my late husband was American and always wanted to — in the teeth of typical English summer weather involving gales, rain and possibly hail.
PPS. Pimms is the traditional English summer drink, a little like sangria. Wonderful stuff and very comforting as the rain lashes down.
PPPS. Gasolene was my ex-USAF father-in-law’s preferred method for getting the barbecue to light in England.