Hi Umair
I've been wanting to say this for a while now.
About your failure to cut through, to get the world to stop heading for Hell?
Sure, you failed. Everybody failed to get the ideas across to the fossil fuel cretins and Americans with their fingers stuffed in their ears going "La la la, can't HEAR you!"
I failed too, in my very small (and cowardly) way.
However I think that of all of us, you certainly tried your very very best.
Success is never guaranteed and is often affected by luck, money, power etc.
Trying your very best is all you can actually do.
You did your very best every day for 10 years, sounding the alarm, suggesting remedies, dodging the trolls and ARE STILL DOING IT.
You are among the heroes, Umair. You have fought a long and difficult fight against stupidity and wilful ignorance and you still haven't wavered or given up.
Forget about success or failure. You are an honourable man and one day, perhaps, will be feted for what you've been trying to do.
Or not. Doesn't matter.
What matters is your honour.