I say, old chap, steady on. A tad harsh, what?
I'm afraid your last few paragraphs where you are clearly all at sea over vaccines and viruses should be ignored for the sake of your reputation. Briefly Pfizer, RNA, breaks up in hours, nobody knows the consequences of delaying 2nd vaccine. Oxford, no problem, not RNA but different, no problem with delay. Probably not ideal but as far as anyone knows, not fatal.
Plus viruses mutate anyway. Covid mutates less than flu because a coronavirus has a proof-reading program which checks the DNA for mistakes. However it still mutates. All of the three known mutations are more infectious (nobody knows for sure if they're all more deadly.) This is actually due to the selection pressure imposed by lockdowns on the virus: if it gets harder to infect new hosts, naturally the viruses that survive will be more infectious.
It seems that the Kent virus is definitely more deadly by around 30 %. That means that for every ten people in the thousand who die of old covid (rapidly going extinct now), there are 13 or 14 people in the thousand who die with the new variant.
Obviously this is bad but it's really not Boris's fault.
The rest of your jeremiad is much nearer the truth. You get no argument from me that Brexit is possibly the stupidest action ever taken by any democracy anywhere. Yes, I think it's going to impoverish us. It already has.
I also think it could cause the break up of the UK because the Scots really dislike Boris and almost all voted Remain. Northern Ireland is probably going to be unified with the Republic of Ireland within a few years, whatever Westminster thinks about it, because of the economic pull of the EU in Ireland.
About 2-4% of the lorries trying to go through Dover are turned back because of paperwork problems.
All this is absolutely Boris's fault and the fault of the idiots and nincompoops of the ERG (similar to the Tea Party in the US.)
I loved your aristo names - laughed out loud, I did. Bear in mind that Rupert Murdoch and his papers - The Sun, The Times - and his media outlets has been trying to destroy Britain ever since he was, according to rumour, refused a knighthood. Farage is still hoping to come to power as a mini-Hitler and has an incredible number of Brits fooled by his mine's-a-pint man-of-the-people act.
But I'm afraid the people who should really be blamed are the English people who voted Leave for trivial and media-fueled reasons. A few people I know were genuinely convinced on economic grounds that leaving the EU would be a good idea and are muttering "Teething problems" through their teeth at the moment.
But a lot of people had no idea what the EU was when they voted against it. The ones who thought the fishing industry would be helped (employs around 20,000 people all told) now know that Boris was perfectly happy to chuck them under the bus to get a deal.
Frankly ever since the election on 13 December 2019, which gave the Tories 80 seats in parliament to Get Brexit Done, I have stopped trying to convince anybody. I occasionally mutter "Told you so" when some new Brexit related disaster happens, but mostly I reckon that they've made their bed and now need to lie on it for a bit before they ask desperately to be let back in.
The ERG want Britain to become a massive offshore tax haven - however, I will be amazed if much of the financial industry will be in London in four years time. Dublin, yes. Frankfurt, yes. Not London.
Sorry, Lord Mimblefart (love it!) - it looks like you're going to be poor too.
It may be good for our souls, but I doubt it'll be good for anything else.