I think one of the things that's holding Biden back is his quite genuine humility.
He has to say "F*ck it, we're doing it anyway, Angela."
Or "damn the torpedos, full speed ahead."
He needs arrogance to do the right thing because from this side doing the right thing looks risky. (The fact that it looks risky actually makes it more probable that lifting the vaccine patents is actually the right thing to do. If it wasn't, it would look safe.)
Mr President, if you happen to be reading this, trust your instincts. Don't listen to your lobbyist-bought advisors. Your gut instincts are good: it's late in the day, but still lifting the patents so that everyone can make vaccines quickly is right. It's right from an ethical point of view and also from a self-interest point of view - because NOBODY IS SAFE UNTIL EVERYBODY'S SAFE.
We are one world, one species. To beat Covid19 we have to unite as a species.
It'll be good practice for beating global heating which also requires us to unite as a species.
Good luck, sir.