I think you're right when you say that the bloodiest is yet to come - unfortunately.
I think you're right when you see the possibility of revolution in America becoming more and more likely - unfortunately.
Only a fool wants revolution. Look at the history of revolutions and you'll see that most of them broke a lot more than they built, destroyed many lives and normally ended up with their country being ruled by worse psychopaths than they had revolted against.
However when the idiotic ruling classes destroy the people's faith in justice and hope for better times, when they leave the people with nothing left to lose and only starvation ahead, they had better get ready for a revolution. Because in the end, people will rise up in fury against them and it will get ugly.
Nobody with a heart wants a revolution. But the Revolution will come for them anyway.
The quote you need for the hour is from Percy Bysshe Shelley's "The Mask of Anarchy."
"Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number--
Shake your chains to earth like dew... 370
Ye are many -- they are few."
That's what the ruling classes must never forget but often do.
We are many - they are few.