I've known this was coming since the 70s, when I read about global warming in a science fiction magazine. Today we have all the answers to global heating, appalling climate change - all of them. Renewables are getting cheaper, regenerative agriculture actually makes more money for the farmer than old fashioned industrial agriculture. The only thing between us and turning the whole planet round to a better future is political and economic will.
We've proven that given a seriously threatening crisis - Covid 19 - and the political leadership in most countries to fight it, humans can turn on a six pence.
Admittedly not in America. Yes, I think America will become the great example of what not to do.
In most countries even politicians reacted like grown ups, though not admittedly in authoritarian countries like Russia, Brazil and India.
Scientists worked all over the world to solve the problem, find a vaccine. People changed their behaviour massively and very much against their inclinations. For the first time ever we were united against an alien viral invader.
We can do it again to solve the far harder problem of global heating. But we need people of vision to do it.
I'm sorry, we need to be told what to do and to do it now. But we can't trust authoritatians to lead us.
I don't know what the solution is to that but I know there has to be one.