Of course you're right, Umair, but as every single Brit politician has their head firmly stuffed in the sand, I'm not sure how we can get the Idiots In Power to do anything about it. They're certainly doing nothing about the climate catastrophe barrelling down on us and they definitely won't give up the fossil fuels despite renewables already being nine times cheaper.
Their obsession with the so-called "small boats" problem is a wonderful example of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic as is their inane terror of anything Woke.
(By the way, if I'm Woke (which I am, obviously) then the Idiots are Slept and they should try waking up.)
The last time we were in this kind of mess, it was the 1970s and for the same reason: back then we hadn't yet joined the EU and it was blatantly obvious that Britain simply couldn't compete all alone in the world with no access to Europe.
Can I make it clear that the 70s were a pretty unpleasant decade despite punk and David Bowie.
Great Britain is not so great: we don't have an Empire any more and what's left of the Commonwealth is heading for the exit at speed. Admitting this is pretty much impossible to accept for a large section of the population and of course all the Idiots.
I think it's going to get worse before it gets better and may involve, as in the Seventies, going cap in hand to the IMF for a loan.
Maybe that'll wake the lion up?