Member-only story
On the impossibility of writing a CV at my age
My photo
Do I start with my birth, far back
In the folds of the 20th century, before the Beatles
But not Bill Haley?
Do I mention my First Holy Communion
And my anger and sorrow at having to wear
A short broderie anglaise dress
And no veil (unlike my friends)?
Or my O level triumph with seven unexpected As
Out of nine exams,
Or my A levels with two As and a C and an S level
In History,
Or my Oxford University History degree?
And my marriage in 1981?
I was always going to be a Nobel Prize for Literature
Winner — so far, not yet,
And doing stupid secketery jobs and Teeline shorthand
Didn’t matter.
A bit of freelance journalism helped.
Do my three children count at all?
My husband died in 2002 — is that
Worth mentioning?