Orange Flag

Patricia Finney
Mar 24, 2023

44. 30 July 2021

Waves of wind are crashing on the trees.

My phone gives today an Orange Flag

In case of Disruption caused by Wind.

Recycling boxes clatter and sing,

Clouds are chivvied across the sky

From purple to grey to pearl,

(Come on! Move! Get on with it!)

Rain lashes down and stops and starts again.


Actually I like the wind (though not the rain).

I like the way leaves shake and whirl,

An unquiet spirit. I watch the gulls fly

And envy them their casual fling

Across the broad back of the wind,

Winged pirates, they dance and play tag

Above the dangerous seas.


I find gulls fascinating now.




Patricia Finney
Patricia Finney

Written by Patricia Finney

I've been a published author since the age of 18, back when dinosaurs roamed. I write books, poems ( and anything else I feel like.

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