Penultimate poem

Patricia Finney
2 min readJun 21, 2024


Image by jarekmarszal from Pixabay


Global domination has mysteriously

Eluded me.

I sit here in a coffee shop after inhaling

An espresso and a lovely potato hash

With eggs and cheese and greens.

The millions of followers I confidently expected

Has yet to break the ton, despite years

Of poem writing.

Maybe it’s time to try something else –

Although I’m limited in my choices

Seeing as how the only thing I’m any good at

Is writing.

Mathematics and physics interested but

Mystified me.

I was born too early to be any good

At Informatika.

Art (I’m sorry) bores me, especially when

I do it.

Music I love, though I never got past

Cheating F on a guitar and was stymied

By stroke when I tried to learn piano.

I can’t listen to anything except the

Direst pop

Because music makes me cry without warning.



Patricia Finney

I've been a published author since the age of 18, back when dinosaurs roamed. I write books, poems ( and anything else I feel like.