Sorry, Umair, you're talking ballocks.
Just because people don't agree with you, doesn't make them morons.
Personally, I think Brexit is a massive own-goal and we'll be begging to get back into the EU before the decade is out. However there are arguments for Brexit which are not wholly foolish.
The bail out and austerity was as much Labour's stupidity as the Tory's greed.
Rich people like austerity because they think it will stop inflation which attacks their piles of cash.
Why the British lower classes have lost their interest in Labour is a fascinating question: strangely enough I believe it's because Labour no longer have any kind of ideology - apart from Corbyn who didn't do very well with his rewarmed 70s socialism.
Labour needs to find a way to renew its beliefs or step aside and let the Greens take over.
Personally, I'd prefer the Greens.