Take a look at the comment by Ian Edwards. There, succinctly written, is the reason why we have so many Covidiots. He regurgitates a load of catastrophic nonsense that has been exploded again and again - quite sincerely. He truly believe there is no covid. He sincerely fears vaccines because Bill Gates (or something).
He's not a bad person, and he may not even be particularly stupid. He's a person who's been poisoned by fake news so that he can no longer think straight.
He says that Umair
"1. Does not understand (or refuses to journalise) that 2020 has seen no national spike in deaths compared with normal deaths in a given year. Thus it ain't no pandemic."
There has been a spike in deaths in the USA for 2020 compared to 2019 even if you ignore the deaths from Covid.
Here are the excess deaths from Covid in a handy graph.
You'll notice there's quite a lot.
"2. [Umair] does not look at the facts of PCR testing to know that the 'Positive' readings are largely 'False Positives' as the procedure was never designed to test for viruses at all."
Yes, there are problems with testing. However all positive readings are not "false positives."
"8. [Umair] does not read the WHO manual for viruses which says Lockdowns and social distancing and mask wearing are ineffective and cause unintended problems on society."
Which handbook do you mean? The WHO Handbook for the management of public health events? Publication date 2015?
Managing Epidemics - World Health Organisation. Publication date 2018?
And so on and so forth. Where's he getting all this outdated rubbish from? Fox News and Breitbart, probably.
A simple google search nails most of his items as either nonsense, deliberate misrepresentation or out of date. Some of his English usage makes me suspect a Russian trollsky origin especially along with his sturdy anglo-saxon name.
But I think he's probably just a Covidiot.