Member-only story
The energy parasite Procrastinatus delayi
146. 22 December 2021
“This very common energy drainer is generally found
Infesting humans with good levels of energy
But a lack of self-knowledge, enabling them to
Sit hunched over a newspaper for hours,
Telling themselves they’ll just read one more article
And then get on with whatever they’re not getting on with.
Meanwhile the energy parasite is slurping up
Energy leaking from the stasis field in which they sit.
“Like most energy parasites, Procrastinatus would look
Like a small 5-dimensional black hole
If you could see it, which you can’t.
Your behaviour gives the diagnosis:
You want to get on, but you can’t,
As if something external is stopping you.
We’ve only recently had the instruments to make them visual,
Seeing how they’re made of dark matter.
“Procrastinatus has recently had a population surge
Owing to the wonderful newspaper-beating Olympic
Timewasting attributes of smartphones.
Some researchers are calling the new sub-species
Procrastinatus mobili.
They suspect it breeds inside the phone.”