Umair, I'm sorry to say, I think you're right. Everything will possibly depend on the US military's attitude to Trump; whether they will be willing to defend him or whether they will do their democratic job and remove him, by force if necessary.
However, I don't think he's being very clever about it. In my view of the dictator's playbook, you cosset the Army, you give it pay rises, you make friends with able generals and you never ever call its honourable dead "suckers" or "losers." You just don't.
Is he trying to pick a fight with the US Armed Forces? I wouldn't call that very wise at all. I would call that gobsmackingly idiotic.
In 2017 16% of the military were Black, 16% were Hispanic and 57 % were white. Sure, members of any army tend to be more right wing than the general population, but will that be enough to get them to support a man who calls them "suckers" and "losers."
Maybe he's just sabotaged his own bid to be king?