When the moon is full, she begins to wane. When she is dark, she waxes again.
sorry, Umair, we haven't reached bottom yet. These feelings you're having (and I'm having) are horrible but also good: we're beginning to realise that we have to have a global revolution and that it won't be pretty.
Or we'll all die and in twenty million years or so, the rats/raccoons/crows will have a go.
The first thing we need to do is Stop Burning Fossil Fuels.
There you are. That's nice and simple, isn't it.
Yup, simple but also hard because we've been doing it for 200 years and don't know how to stop.
Yet renewables are now cheaper than fossil fuels.
Well we're getting scammed by the Fossil Fuel corporations exactly as we've been scammed by them for the last fifty years because they don't want to go bust thanks to the stranded assets of all their fossil fuel deposits.
We're not angry enough for a revolution yet.
But we're getting there.