Yes, exactly. I write in notebooks with an orange bic pen and then redraft while I'm copy typing. If I really want no botheration, I switch my phone to flight mode, then turn off sound (just found out how to do that - excited!)
It's not just the constant interruption. It's that my brain doesn't seem to take internet print seriously. When I finish a book on my phone the whole thing disappears from my mental screen in about 10 seconds. When I read a tree book, I can remember things from it for... oh, days, sometimes weeks.
Also I hate following recipes on internet because my fingers are always oily or messy when I cook and I can't touch the screen.
Also I will never have anything like Alexis or Siri because I don't like devices that eavesdrop on you and then try to sell you stuff via your phone.
As for AI - I'm looking forward to the crash caused by it.